Cora, a queer massage therapist, smiles with hands folded in front of them.

Cora (they/them) is a licensed massage therapist in Columbus, Ohio, trained in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Fertility, and Scar Tissue Remediation massage. They are passionate about providing safe, healing touch to members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Cora is also certified to do Pregnancy and Postpartum massage through Nurturing the Mother, though they are stepping away from this being their main focus. They have a background in Social Work and utilize this to provide a trauma-informed setting for massage. They enjoy RPGs, keeping up with their kid, and being able to run a queer-owned massage practice.

Cora is wonderful! I went in recently for my first ever massage, and I was very nervous. Immediately I felt safe and comfortable in the space. They were incredibly kind and patient with me and I highly recommend a visit to Cora for the anxious among us. I left feeling relaxed and happy and planning a return visit. Thank you for a great experience!
— Christine N.

“Cora is by far the most skillful massage therapist I’ve ever been to. They are incredibly respectful, knowledgeable, and warm. It would be hard to go to someone else after experiencing a massage from them!!”

— Kathryn G.

Cora is incredible! They have such a warm, welcoming spirit and I was instantly comfortable at our first appointment (their office space is amazing too - very cozy and relaxing). They took time to understand my needs and areas of focus - and after just one visit, I had a noticeable shift in tension and pain in my body after months and months of misery! I’ve already booked my next appointment and can’t wait! Truly amazing!!
— Stacie B.

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